Wednesday, May 09, 2012

The Death Of A Young Friend

Yesterday I found out that a young person who worked in my office passed away. I found it personally upsetting because this was a person I knew and someone I considered a friend. I liked her a lot and I know she liked me. In fact, I still have some emails she sent me as responses to some of my "Daily Thoughts". She sometimes thought my words were written just for her. It is always upsetting, and also a time for reflection, when a young person dies. So many of us take our life for granted or we wish our life away. I have even arrogantly thought that I can’t imagine life without me in it. When a young person dies, whether we knew them or not, we should take a moment and appreciate the gift that life is. None of us are promised a long life and none of us know when our lives will end. I’ve heard it said that we should live every day as though it were our last. It’s difficult to really live with that kind of intensity. However, it’s very possible to live every day of our life with gratitude. Each morning, before I come to work, I walk out the front door of my home to the end of my driveway to pick up my morning newspaper. I try to always take a moment, look up at the morning sky, and say “Thank you for another day”. Sometimes in the busyness of life I forget to be consciously grateful but in my heart I’m always grateful. When a young person dies before their prime those of us who are still alive should renew within ourselves our appreciation for all that we have in life. Don’t take life for granted. Each day truly is a gift.

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