Sunday, March 29, 2009

No Obligations and No Commitments

This has been a great weekend. I don't care if today's temperature never got out of the high 30's. This is one of the first weekends in recent memory that I haven't had any obligations or commitments. I've had 48 hours or so where I could do whatever I wanted. What I choose was to get plenty of sleep, approximately eight or nine hours a night, and to spend most of my waking hours hidden away in my man cave. I have delighted in being alone, listening to music, reading books, drinking coffee, and sometimes doing nothing but staring out the window. Now, as the weekend draws to a close, I have four days of work ahead of me before my wife and I take a long weekend trip to the mountains. One of the workdays I am attending an off site business conference which is almost like not working. However, I hope I don't break my neck from my head bobbing up and down in total boredom. Such meetings with hundreds of people are introvert hell. O well, I've done it before so I guess I can tough it out one more time. For now, however, I will enjoy the remainder of this cold and dreary Sunday. It's a little bit of a shock after the warm, spring days we've had lately. Like I said, I don't really care. The moment is perfect and I am enjoying it.

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