Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Going On Retreat

I will be going on retreat this weekend. Once a year I spend several days and nights at the monastery in their guesthouse. I will get out of bed at an insane hour. I will pray and be silent. I will sit outside under the gingko tree in darkness, drinking coffee, waiting for the roosters to wake up. I will look up at the stars. I may climb the hill across from the monastery and watch the sunrise. I will walk in silence and feel the wind upon my face. I will smell the soup simmering and the bread baking. I will remember my friend who recently left this world. I will think of my granddaughter, Chloe, and smile. When I am tired I will rest. I will read and meditate. Sometimes I will just sit and disappear into the clouds. God will put me back on solid ground when it is time to come home.


H.M. said...

This was beautiful, and says what a retreat should be so well.

I am glad to find your blog. I like the stuff you are writing here. I am a friend of Bryan Sherwood, and I found your blog through his site. I'll be back. :)

Antony Hanson

Bryan said...

I am so glad that you're blogging!

It's 3 a.m. and I can't sleep. Wonder why?
